Since my late 30's (sounds so long ago, doesn't it?), I have worn my hair fairly short. Imagine my surprise that for the last number of months I have been wearing an increasingly long ponytail. I told my daughter and sister I was finally in style.
There were several reasons for the longer hair. One was the pictures taken when my older daughter and her family visited over New Years 2008. Granted, I also had the flu while they were here, but my pictures were terrible - I blamed it on the short hair. Several weeks later my hairdresser trimmed my hair, and that was it.
The next time I got my haircut was yesterday. Let me explain.
About the time I was thinking about getting my hair trimmed last year, I found out my hairdresser was going through a terrible medical crisis. I thought about going somewhere else, but since I work at home and don't have a great need of looking tip-top at all times, I let it go - er grow.
Short Beginnings
First, I had a little tiny ponytail that actually resembled a little pig tail sticking out the back of my head. But then, wow, it kept getting longer. My hair is thick and grows fast, so before I knew it, I actually had a real ponytail. My hair ended up reaching below my shoulder blades.
Yesterday, my daughter's youngest sister came over to cut her hair. Deb kept asking me if I wanted mine cut too and I finally gave in to a short trim. When Sarah asked how much I wanted trimmed, I said just a half-inch or so.
Well, we were talking about vitamin D and how it helps with SAD with which I have struggled. Suddenly, the weight of my hair was pressing down on me and the girls were questioning did I really want it long. I decided to get it cut short.
Sarah gently asked, "So, how much do you want cut off?"
I said, "All of it!"
Questioning my sanity, we went through the question and answer period several times with my daughter, Deb, chiming in that she thought my decision would make a big difference in how I felt. As Sarah cut away all that long thick hair, my eyes started to well up in tears. Next thing I knew, tears were rolling down my cheeks.
Happy Endings
By the time everything was said and done, I had hair shorter than I have had in a very long time. However, Sarah did such a great job that it looks good on me and I feel a ton lighter. I feel like a heavy load was lifted off my shoulders.
Today I keep reaching back to tighten the ponytail or just run my fingers through my hair, and alas, there isn't any there. But it sure feels good. I have absolutely no regrets in getting all that heavy hair cut off.
I also realized this morning that, until last year, getting my hair cut short was always the first sign of spring.
Watch out, winter, your days are numbered!
What is your first sign of spring? Do you have a spring ritual in preparation of the big occasion? It is just us northeners who notice spring this much?
For a short, cute, related story from yesterday's haircutting session, check out this link.