I wanted to send kudos to my sister, Marilyn Sue Monroe, today.
She has written an article about our mother, Emily Monroe. It's posted in two parts, today and tomorrow, on Potpourri's sister-blog, Elder Care Cafe.
Susie took care of Mom for about the last six or seven years of her life. Mom was diagnosed with TIA dementia around 1995, and entered a nursing home in April 2003. She died June 13, 2004, on Susie's birthday and Mom and Dad's 58th wedding anniversary.
We all miss her very much as she was the hub of the family. I think you know what I'm talking about - most families have that one person who keeps everyone and everything together.
Since Mom died, we have mostly gone our separate ways. Holidays are different - much quieter. Vacations aren't the same - many of us, at different times, traveled with Mom and Dad around the United States. The level of activity around the family home as dramatically dropped.
But, all in all, Susie is the one who stepped up to the plate when Mom needed someone the most. Her poignant stories are well worth the read and I hope you check them out.
I am certain, someday, we will read...the rest of the story.
Also worth exploring are her beautiful photographs on Red Bubble. Have a look and leave a message encouraging her to upload more pictures of her travels.
Who is or was the hub of your family? If they are no longer with you, how has life changed for your family?