Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Cereal Wednesday

An interactive blog, Cereal Wednesday promotes all things cereal with a video of the blogger introducing and promoting a different cereal with each video.

The videos are fun entertainment for anyone who loves their favorite breakfast grain.

When we were kids, my siblings and I had our chosen color cereal bowl and matching plastic glass. God forbid, Mom ever gave the wrong child, the wrong color. Tears and wrestling could ensue.

I don't remember all the various kinds of cereal we tried, but I do know there were often pictures of champions to look at and prizes to dig out.

I know in our current household, Cheerios, Wheaties and Raisen Bran reign supreme.

Since this blog is scheduled to release on a Wednesday, how about celebrating hump day by filling your special cereal bowl with your favorite cereal, fill with milk, click on the title of this blog entry, and enjoy another edition of Cereal Wednesday.

What is your favorite cereal? Did you have a special cereal bowl as a kid? Don't tell me it was just our family?


Susie said...

I get the yellow bowl!


Edie Dykeman said...

I know! I get the blue and Bill gets the red. Got it all figured out! Thanks for the comment.