Saturday, October 25, 2008

People Dressing Pets - Mean on Halloween?

© Gingergirl |

Over the years, a number of people have clothed their pets. Are there any statistics out there indicating the number of people who partake of such strange behavior?

Anyway, now that Halloween is quickly approaching, the number of clothed pets will increase as well. The question is, are people who clothe their pets mean, or are they just desiring to be seen?

Whose idea was it, in the first place, to put clothes on animals? Is there any logical reason to do so? Emphasis on logical!

It's not that I hate pets - I just don't feel the need or desire to have them in my home. My daughters love their cats, and that's okay. But I never had the desire to keep animals in my house, especially because I was always on the go and decided I probably would not be a good "Mom" anyway.

Click on the title to read an article in today's USA Today about this very subject.

What do you think? Should people dress their pets? Is it mean or is it adorable?

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