Sunday, November 9, 2008

Good News for Michigan Football Fans

Gerald Ford on the field at University of Michigan 1933. Photo: Gerald R. Ford Library. Public Domain.

Michigan State Spartans are riding high after a thrilling 21-7 win over Purdue yesterday. It was the Spartans final home game, and buzz has it, at 9-2 they are on their way to a bowl game. On November 22, they face Penn State.

In more good news for Michigan, the blue-and-maize team won a 29-6 victory over Minnesota. First year Michigan coach Rich Rodriguez said, "It's nice to see a bunch of guys with smiles on their faces." Michigan is 3 - 7 in the win loss column, but any victory can spark incentive to keep moving forward.

Unlike the hapless Big 3 in Detroit, our main football rivals had a successful week.

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