Off to a galloping start, Barack Obama is getting high marks for his transition pace and leadership qualities. Considering all the news reports, announcements, and decisions during the past couple of weeks, it seems as if he is already running the country. His visibility and activity level appears much greater than any president-elect in recent memory.
He is also receiving high praise for his cabinet choices according to a USA TODAY/Gallup poll. In general, most people are feeling confident with Obama as a leader and as someone who can lead us into the future. He has made wise, and sometimes surprising, cabinet choices, has taken an active interest and early role in current world affairs, and has garnered respect from both sides of the political line. Even Republicans have vocalized their support of his cabinet choices.
Although he is going into the presidency with major world and national problems, his let's-get-it-done attitude appears to bolster support from the grassroot Americans who are looking for a knight in shining armor to get this country back on it's feet. Although he has a lot on his shoulders, let's hope he can continue to lead the way into the future.
What do you think? Is he the man to lead this country back to greatness, or is he going to burn out before his time?
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