Do you know who is the most searched for female of 2008? Could it be anyone else?
Yahoo! search results for the top 10 most influential women of 2008 show some old favorites and a couple of new names. As most people surmised, Angelina Jolie topped the list as she has most of the year. Here is the list in order of the search results:
1. Angelina Jolie
2. Sarah Palin
3. Oprah Winfrey
4. Hillary Clinton
5. Gina Carano
6. Tina Fey
7. Michelle Obama
8. Katie Couric
9. Barbara Walters
10. Dara Torres
The article noted two of the women came very close to the two top jobs in America, and others broke barriers in their own disciplines. All of the women are making a mark in the world today.
Click here to read the rest of the article, especially for comments on each of the women's accomplishments.
What to do think of this list? Who would you leave off, or add on? Why?
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