Thursday, July 10, 2008

Morning Pages and To-Do Lists

Recently I’ve gotten into the habit of incorporating to-do lists into my morning pages. As I’m writing, the lists just seem to appear of their own accord.

This morning, following a couple of frustrating days of not writing as much as I would have liked, missing blog entries, and a computer snafu that took hours to correct, I started out with quite a negative list of six items I was upset about.

Then I decided I was tired of the negativity and needed to enter a more positive stream of thinking. I then commented I had a to-do list a mile long and no time for the many other things I wanted to read, write, and learn about.

I wrote “Need/want/just get it down and off my mind list:” and started in. Lo and behold, six college ruled 10 ½" x 8" pages later I had 112 items. No wonder I couldn’t accomplish anything. What a brain clog!

Some of the entries have notations included and several times I thought I was done only to start up again or remember something else I needed to do. After that list was complete, all of a sudden I had numerous ideas for blogs and articles, more ideas for lists that I think would be fun to blog, and a much lighter attitude.

Morning pages are important to me. I certainly credit Julia Cameron, author of The Artist’s Way, for getting me started many years ago on the path of unloading my thoughts, dreams, plans, and whatever else I'm thinking about, first thing every morning. What a great way to start the day.

I plan to write more on lists in the days to come, but now I need to get to the to-do part.

If you don’t already, consider starting each morning with a blank sheet of paper and pen or pencil in hand. Don’t think, don’t plan, just write. Stream of consciousness writing can clear your mind of all negative clutter you may have, and prepare you to start your day with an open mind.

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