Thursday, June 26, 2008

Early Morning Quiet Time

My early mornings tend to vary depending on the season or what may be going on in my life at the time. What remains consistent are the four to five a.m. rising, coffee with flavored cream, devotionals, and either writing morning pages or reading on-line news.

A recent pleasure was the discovery of the on-line Sudoku puzzle at USA Today. Sudoku and Free Cell are two not-so-guilty pleasures I enjoy on an almost daily basis. Yes, sometimes I spend a little too much time with one or the other, but early morning or late at night, they are there to encounter.

Sudoku comes in handy during the approximately twenty-two minutes of commercials during many TV shows. Although sometimes I get so involved I miss the show. Yes, it has happened. I'll look up and realize I missed a good share of the story line.

For me, early mornings are a pleasure. The quiet atmosphere, the feeling of being in a soft cocoon, drinking hot flavored coffee, watching the morning light replace the darkness, and anticipating another good day, all seem to help propel me forward.

I've recently started retiring early just so I could experience a longer quiet time.

What do you look forward to? What is your not-so-guilty pleasure? Feel free to share in the comments.

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